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In-Stock Dog Kennels


10'x10'x6' Magnum Kennel

The Magnum Kennels are a stronger, secure and attractive alternative to chain link kennels. They are primed with a rust inhibiting zinc primer and top coated with our premium powder coat paint. Made of 1 5/8″ tubing and 6 gauge 2″ x 4″ mesh. Configurable to any size dog or lawn and recommended for residential use only.




10'x10'x6' Value Kennel Set

The Value Chain Link Kennels feature cast aluminum square corner fittings for ultimate strength and animal safety. The pre-assembled panels feature center vertical support bars for added strength as well as 1″ clearance under the kennels and open bottoms on the vertical tubing for drainage.




10'x10'x6' Stephens Pipe & Steel Kennel

Rust-resistant galvanized steel construction. Modular pre-assembled panels. The 1" kennel legs allow for easy cleaning when the unit is placed on a hard flat surface. Square corners at the bottom of each panel and gate better contain small pets. No holes to dig, concrete to mix or wire to stretch. Portability helps to prevent lawn damage. With vertical bracing. Set-up requires only one 1/2 in wrench for easy assembly. Frame design allows condensation to drain freely.



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