Burke, Gregory, & Winner South Dakota
​Y o u r L o c a l l y O w n e d, H o m e t o w n B u i l d i n g C e n t e r s
About Our Building Centers
The Building Center is a family owned, full-service lumberyard, hardware, and home improvement store. In 1993, Vern and Carole Witt purchased Burke Building Center in Burke, South Dakota from Corsica Lumber. Vern had been working as the manager prior to purchasing the store. In October of 2000, the Witts purchased Gregory Lumber in Gregory, South Dakota. Bryan Witt, their son. became the manager of the Gregory location. They renamed this store Gregory Building Center. In 2005, their son Jason Witt joined the team as the manager of the Burke location.
Gregory Building Center began offering rental equipment in 2005. Both Building Centers added computer aided design for commercial and residential construction and are experienced in overseeing general contracting jobs.
In August 2019, the town of Burke was struck by a tornado. Burke Building Center was left completely totaled. Although the whole Building Center family was devasted by this event, , we were fortunate enough to purchase Johnson Implement and turn it into the new Burke Building Center location.
In 2022, the Witts purchased the Solar Barn Greenhouse in Winner, South Dakota. They remodeled it into a home and design center. Winner Building Center celebrated its Grand Opening in April of 2023. This store offers home design options including flooring, paint, custom cabinets, and many more interior and exterior options. There is a brand-new lumber building on the property as well! We are continuing to make improvements and additions to our newest location!
The staff of the Building Centers pride themselves on providing excellent customer service. Currently we employ 12 full-time and 4 part-time employees. You can read all about these wonderful employees on the employee page of this website, located under the "About Us" tab.
Burke Building Center
Gregory Building Center
1307 Main Street / Highway 18
Burke, SD 57523
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
122 S Main Street / Highway 18
Gregory, SD 57533
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Winner Building Center
27851 317th Ave
Winner, SD 57580
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm